Polar Prediction Matters

Polar Prediction Matters (PPM) is a non-peer reviewed forum initiated as a means to foster the dialogue between those that research, develop, and provide polar environmental forecasts and those that use (or could use) polar environmental forecasts to guide socio-economic decisions. The German Helmholtz Association kindly offered to host PPM as one of their many different Helmholtz science blog websites.

From mid-2017 through mid-2019 – the Year of Polar Prediction Core Phase – PPM will feature written contributions that provide a range of individual views on how polar environmental forecasts (and other environmental information, e.g., satellite imagery) are actually used, whether additional needs exist, and what factors might limit the effective use of forecasts. While the majority of contributions will offer perspectives from forecast users, contributions by "providers" (meteorological and sea-ice services and natural scientists) and social scientists concerning the creation, delivery, and utilization of forecast information and "products" will complement PPM. It will also be possible to post comments, enabling open communication and exchange of views in relation to the individual contributions. Collectively, the perspectives assembled in PPM will provide a solid basis for a better understanding of actual user needs, which may help to guide research towards significantly improved and applied polar prediction capabilities in a way that is meaningful to various stakeholders.

Click here to go to Polar Prediction Matters.

Who is behind Polar Prediction Matters?

PPM has been initiated and is maintained by the YOPP International Coordination Office (supported by the Helmholtz Earth System Knowledge Platform), the PPP-SERA subcommittee, as well as the EU-funded Horizon 2020 research consortia APPLICATE (Advanced Prediction in Polar regions and beyond: modelling, observing system design and Linkages associated with a Changing Arctic climaTE) and Blue-Action. Editorial responsibility is with Dr. Helge Goessling and Dr. Kirstin Werner. For any questions related to YOPP and PPM, please contact office@polarprediction.net.